Great Leaders of the Bible

Great Leaders of the Bible

The Old Testament has some of the most powerful instances of great leadership.

These great and Godly individuals serve as models for what a great leader may and can be, as well as how they should conduct themselves. There are several types of leaders, and I believe the Bible provides three excellent examples. Those who are called, bold, and anointed are three of the most prevalent biblical leaders.

Five Influential People Known as Leaders

Leaders are people who have been called by God to accomplish His task. They are leaders who may not have been qualified to be leaders, yet God picked them and entrusted them with enormous works to further His kingdom. These leaders have a unique and vital role in the expansion of God’s Kingdom. God has established their responsibilities as leaders to assist Him in leading His people out of the darkness and wickedness of this world and into His kingdom of light. Many of today’s leaders would qualify as called, including any religious leader, whether a priest/pastor, someone working in youth ministry, or someone who just volunteers.

  1. Moses
  2. Jeremiah
  3. Job
  4. Gideon
  5. Samuel

The Story of Moses and the Burning Bush

In my perspective, Moses is the greatest leader in the Old Testament. He is a “misfit” in both cultures since he was born a Levite and reared an Egyptian. He flees to the desert, where he encounters God in the form of a “burning” bush beckoning to him. “Here I am,” Moses responds to God’s invitation (Exodus 3:4). Because he was available, Moses made an excellent leader. He was alone in the wilderness, allowing God to beckon to him.

Today, we are unlikely to witness “burning” bushes, but that does not indicate that God will not call His children to lead. If we choose to listen, he will continue to communicate with us. If Moses had attempted to accomplish it alone, he would have faced a very difficult and unreasonable undertaking. God, on the other hand, provided him with the skills and ability to lead and become great.

Moses tells us that leaders do not have to be qualified all of the time. The qualities will be bestowed on the leader by God. God picked Moses to lead His people because He understood that despite his inability to communicate effectively, Moses was capable of great things. Moses had a strong will and resolve to obey God, making him God’s preferred leader. Don’t allow your anxieties to prevent you from taking the initiative. Allow God’s light to shine through you as you follow Him. You will undoubtedly be an excellent leader to others around you.

Five Brave and Influential Leaders

Brave leaders are individuals who take the initiative and show courage in difficult situations when others would not. Brave leaders are individuals that stand up for what they believe in and know is right and do not back down, despite the repercussions of defying the king.

They are not just leaders who go to battle, but also leaders like Daniel who persist despite the trials and tribulations brought on by their trust in God. Our soldiers are not just heroes; they are also among the most courageous leaders. Honor our military and veterans; they are among the most courageous leaders we have today. We would not be where we are now if it weren’t for them.

  1. Daniel
  2. Joshua
  3. Caleb
  4. Jonathan
  5. Elijah

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Daniel is a knowledgeable, devoted, and courageous leader. He was compelled to serve in the king’s palace after being seized from his Israelite home. Despite his proximity to the king, he refused to adhere to the same traditions and rules. God blessed Daniel and bestowed upon him knowledge and abilities in all areas of literature and intelligence. Daniel could also see into all dreams and visions. “In every area of learning and insight, the king found them 10 times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom” (Daniel 1:20).

Throughout his tenure at the palace, he never failed to serve his God diligently, even after the new rule was written down. “He dropped down on his knees three times a day and prayed, expressing gratitude to his God, exactly as he had done before” (Daniel 6:10). Daniel was to be thrown into a den of lions for praying to God rather than the king because of his devotion to God. He believed in the Lord and knew he would not be harmed, so he went to the den and survived because of his faith in God.

He gained the king’s favor, and the monarch modified his proclamation, declaring that all his peoples and countries throughout the world should tremble and dread Daniel’s God. “For He is the living God, and His kingdom will not be destroyed, nor will his rule end.” He rescues and saves, and He works signs and marvels in the heavens and on earth. He has delivered Daniel from the jaws of the lions” (Daniel 6:26-27).

Daniel was a loyal and devoted servant of God and the people of God. Despite the difficulties that came his way, he never stopped worshipping and following his God. Through his wisdom and faith, he truly was a fearless servant of God, inspiring many others to trust in God’s might. To become a great leader, all it takes is one brave individual to speak up for what they believe in.

Five Powerful Anointed Leaders

Anointed leaders are individuals who become kings, prophets, priests, or devote their lives to God in some other way. Anointed leaders are consecrated in an oil ceremony. These leaders are anointed to represent the arrival of heavenly influence. God calls anointed leaders to reign over a country and to demonstrate God’s glory and dominion to the people. Today, I recognize that we have few kings and queens to govern over us, but anointed leaders can also refer to clergy.

These are some of the anointed leaders I admire. We can learn a lot from each and every one of these extremely distinct leaders.

  1. David
  2. King Solomon
  3. Abraham
  4. Aaron
  5. Isaac

David’s Journey from Shepherd to King

David was an Ephrathite shepherd and the youngest of Jesse’s sons. The Lord picked David and had him anointed by Samuel after finding favor with him. “Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in strength from that day forward” (1 Samuel 16:13). David was a courageous man who talked well and looked well. I’m sure most people are familiar with the tale of David and Goliath, so I’ll keep it brief: David went with a sling and a stone and killed the Philistine when even the most powerful soldiers were too terrified to battle.

David was a great leader not just because he was anointed and fearless, but also because he was invited by God to stand up and rule the large people of Israel. “Rise and anoint him; because this is the one,” the Lord said (1 Samuel 16:12). David was a God-fearing and committed servant who did His will regardless of the cost. Could you picture taking on a giant with nothing more than a sling and a stone?

He was not only the youngest, but also Jesse’s smallest son. Despite this, God chose David to be the future king and to succeed Saul. Because of his pure heart, God glanced at his outward appearance and found favor with him. To be anointed by God, one does not need to be powerful or of great standing. He looks at a person’s heart, faithfulness, and truth and anoints them to execute His will.

Leaders are distinguished by a wide range of characteristics and attributes. Moses, Daniel, and David were all leaders in their own right, but God saw favor in all of them and was constantly with them. Though each of these leaders had unique characteristics, they had many of the same. God qualified everyone of these leaders because they genuinely loved God. They were open to and receptive of the trials God threw at them, and they completely relied on Him.

These leaders remained faithful to God when times were good, but also when times were hard and others were turning from Him. No matter what your background, age, sex, or ethnic heritage God will find favor in all His people. God used these men to enhance His kingdom and bring glory to Him. These men followed God faithfully and earnestly until their deaths. He calls us to do the same today, yesterday, and forever.

Whether these stories are just stories or true occurrences, the profound truth and information that we may glean from them will be passed down to future generations, bringing out great leaders who will serve God, others, and eventually change the world around us.

God bless you

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